Don't Starve 攻略 Wiki



Ancient Pseudoscience Station遺跡に存在するアイテム作成設備です。この設備によって Ancient と呼ばれるカテゴリーのアイテムを作成することができます。発見時には壊れているので、一部のアイテムしか作成出ません。Thulecite を6個使って修理すると制限が解除されます。遺跡が Nightmare Cycle の Nightmare Phase に入っていると、石碑の宝石が赤く光ります。石碑を修復していない場合は宝石がないので光りません。

Hammer で10回叩くと完全に壊れます。祭壇を叩くたびにプレイヤーの周囲にが落ち、アイテムやモブが燃えてしまうことが有ります。Don't Starve Togetherでは叩いても雷が発生しなくなりました。


完全に破壊されていなければ、ハンマーで叩いたあとの祭壇を Thulecite で修理することができます。9回叩いたあとの祭壇は6個の Thulecite で完全に修復できます。叩くたびに Thulecite 入手の可能性があるので、とても低い確率ですが、修理に必要な量より多くの Thulecite を入手できる可能性があります。

祭壇が壊れていようといまいと、近くに寄ると祭壇は発光するので Night Monster からの攻撃を防ぐことができます。

Broken Pseudoscience Station[]

発見時の Pseudoscience Station は壊れています。壊れたままでは7種のアイテムしか作成できませんが、完全に修復すると14種のアイテムが作成できるようになります。修復には Thulecite もしくは Thulecite Fragments が必要です。

Item Drops[]


Item Amount アイテム
Marble Suit
Marble Suit 1
Nightmare Amulet
Nightmare Amulet 1
Dapper Vest
Dapper Vest 1
The Lazy Forager
The Lazy Forager 1
Snurtle Shell Armor
Snurtle Shell Armor 1
Construction Amulet
Construction Amulet 1
Meat Effigy
Meat Effigy 1
Magiluminescence 1
Ice Staff
Ice Staff 1
Red Gem
Red Gem 1
Fire Staff
Fire Staff 1
Blue Gem
Blue Gem 1
Telelocator Staff
Telelocator Staff 1
Orange Gem
Orange Gem 1
The Lazy Explorer
The Lazy Explorer 1
Green Gem
Green Gem 1
Deconstruction Staff
Deconstruction Staff 1
Purple Gem
Purple Gem 1
Star Caller's Staff
Star Caller's Staff 1
Gears 1
Life Giving Amulet
Life Giving Amulet 1
Gravedigger Trinkets 4
Chilled Amulet
Chilled Amulet 1
Thulecite 1

Mob Spawns (and misc.)[]

There is also a likelihood of non-item based spawns occurring when striking the altar - these seem to be just as random as the item spawns, though the enemy mob based spawns appear to have a higher than average chance of appearing as they are the altars defense mechanism.

Mob Spawns Amount
Baby Tentacle
Baby Tentacles 6
Splumonkey 3
Batilisk 5
Cave Spider
Cave Spider 2
Spitter 2
Star Light 1
Health Up
Health Increase +25 Player Health
Health Down
Health Decrease -10 Player Health

Placeholder トリビア[]

  • There's an uncommon chance to find an intact Ancient Pseudoscience Station upon entering the ruins, with no necessity to rebuild a broken one. However, the fully built stations will typically have more Ancient Clockwork enemies guarding it, and always have two Nightmare Lights right next to it.


植物 Berry BushCarrotCave Banana TreeCave LichenEvergreenFlower (Evil FlowerFern) • GrassLight FlowerLureplantMandrakeMushroomsMushtreePlantReedsSaplingSpiky BushTotally Normal Tree
(Birchnut TreeCactusTumbleweed Reign of Giants icon) (Ash TreeBamboo PatchCoffee PlantElephant CactusJungle TreeMangrove TreePalm TreeRegular Jungle TreeSeaweed PlantSweet PotatoViney Bush Shipwrecked icon) (AloeAsparagusBrambleBramble BloomClaw Palm TreeCocooned TreeExotic FlowerHedgeIntricate TopiaryLawn DecorationLotus PlantNettle VineRainforest TreeTall GrassTea TreeTuber Tree Hamlet icon) (Bull KelpJuicy Berry BushLune TreeSporecapStone Fruit BushSucculentTwiggy Tree Don't Starve Together icon)
モブやモブの住居 BeehiveHound MoundMermhousePondPig HousePig KingPig TorchRabbit HoleRabbit HutchSlurtle MoundSpider DenSpilagmiteSplumonkey PodTallbird NestWalrus CampWorm Hole
(BurrowHollow Stump Reign of Giants icon) (Ballphin PalaceCrabbit DenDragoon DenDragoon EggFishermerm's HutMerm HutPrime Ape HutSharkitten DenShoalTidal PoolWildbore HouseWobster DenYaarctopus Shipwrecked icon) (Dung PileGnat MoundLily PadMandrake HillMant HillOminous CarvingThundernestTown HouseWatch Tower Hamlet icon) (AntlionBat CaveGigantic BeehiveMagmaShattered Spider Hole Don't Starve Together icon)
資源の入手先 Ancient StatueBonesBoulderFlotsamGraveHarp StatueMarble PillarMarble TreeMaxwell StatueMerm HeadPig HeadRelicSinkholeSkeletonStalagmite
(Mini Glacier Reign of Giants icon) (Brainy SproutCharcoal BoulderCoral ReefCrateDebrisLava PoolLimpet RockMagma PileMussel BedObsidian BoulderPoisonous HoleSandy PileTar SlickWatery GraveWildbore HeadWreck Shipwrecked icon) (Artichoke BoulderA Smashing PotBasalt EruptionCrashed BalloonHot Air BalloonRuined SculpturesStalacmite ThroneStone SlabWeathered ObjectsWicker Basket Hamlet icon) (Cave HoleDriftwoodLakeMarble SculpturesMeteor BoulderMoon GlassPetrified TreeSea Bones Don't Starve Together icon)
オブジェクト Ancient Pseudoscience StationBasaltCompromising StatueGramaphoneHeadstoneMarble PillarMaxwell's DoorMaxwell's LightNightmare LightNightmare LockNightmare ThroneObeliskOrnate ChestPillarsSunken BoatSuspicious Dirt PileTouch StoneThulecite Wall
(Glommer's Statue Reign of Giants icon) (Electric IsoscelesGunpowder BarrelKrissureLimestone WallObsidian WorkbenchSteamer TrunkSeaworthySlot MachineSuspicious BubblesVolcanoVolcano Altar of SnackrificeWoodlegs' CageX Marks the Spot Shipwrecked icon) (Ancient WallCave CleftCrumbling BrazierFountain of YouthRoyal Gallery ExhibitRuinous EntranceSecret Bandit CampSpooky HoleStriking CarvingStriking StatueSuspicious CrackUnimportant PillarWall BrazierWishing Well Hamlet icon) (Ancient ChestAncient GatewayAncient MuralAncient ObeliskAnenemyCelestial FissureFlorid PosternHot SpringInviting FormationLoot StashMoon StoneRock DenSalt FormationSea StackStagehandSuspicious MarbleSuspicious Moonrock Don't Starve Together icon)
アイテム Box ThingCrank ThingEye BoneMetal Potato ThingRing ThingWooden Thing
(FishboneGrassy ThingRawlingRing ThingScrew ThingWooden Platform ThingWooden Potato Thing Shipwrecked icon) (Iron ThingLever ThingRegal ScepterRelic ThingRock ThingStone EggStone Thing Hamlet icon) (Celestial Altar PiecesStar-Sky Don't Starve Together icon)
The Gorge Don't Starve Together icon Mealing StoneSalt PondSpotty ShrubSugarwood TreeThe Altar of Gnaw